DreamWorks Animation - The Exhibition
Journey from Sketch to Screen
DreamWorks Animation celebrate their colourful 20-year history with a world-first exhibition in Melbourne, taking visitors behind the scenes of its most famous films! Taking place at ACMI in Federation Square, Melbournians and tourists alike will be able to experience the animated magic until October this year.
DreamWorks' Chief Creative Officer Bill Damaschke, his team and the talented folk at ACMI, worked together to bring this fascinating exhibit to life. Featuring some 400 artifacts including concept drawings, artworks, interviews, models and interactive displays, across more than 20 films.
This amazing collection of DreamWorks' creative concepts have been divided into a series of sections taking visitors through the journey from sketch to screen.
The journey begins with Character; which traces the evolution of iconic characters from original concept drawings and sketches to fully developed personalities. Following on from Character is Story; which explores the process of constructing a feature-length narrative, from original inspiration to final storyline. The final section is World; which focuses on the complex and magical environments in all of the DreamWorks Animation films.
“People don’t realise how hard a job animation is, because in animation we make things from scratch. In a live-action film you get a lot of reality for free. In animation, we have to create everything, from the wood grain of the trees in the forest to the texture on every single surface of every single leaf.”- Doug Cooper is a visual-effects supervisor at DreamWorks
If you're like me and love a great animation, the DreamWorks Animation exhibition will make your dreams come to life! Both adults and children will love this rare glimpse into the animated worlds of the beloved films such as Shrek, How to Train a Dragon and the Madagascar films.
I highly recommend going to this fantastic exhibit and if you don't live in Melbourne, this is a great reason to travel there before October! Enjoy!
DreamWorksAnimation: The Exhibition runs through until Sunday 5 October 2014
Tickets are $22.50 for adults and $10 for children. To purchase tickets, or for more information, visit the ACMI website. Open daily 10am - 5pm (Thursdays until 9pm).
Lei xx