'Caged' at Fremantle Prison

With trepidation and excitement, we ventured to the Fremantle Prison on Thursday night to attend Caged, a night of fashion and art by Coveted Events. Eerily set amongst the jail cells, this historic building was the perfect backdrop for the merging of high fashion and grungy art.
The runway show featured three established and up-and-coming fashion designers, Natalie Donovan from W i l d . H o r s e s, Sophia Jalia from Rosie & Broken and Seth Cray whose designs were previously seen here. Guests were served champagne and freshly shucked oysters (my favourite!) by Black Pearl Oyster Shucking whilst viewing the edgy artworks by Perth artist Shane Hughes aka I'm The Boss. What a great night!

Fellow bloggers; Nadine from Modern Girls in Vintage Pearls, Adelle from Where the Styled Things Are, Mon from Little Miss Mon Bon and Bonnie from Bonnie Friday.

W I L D . H O R S E S



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Lei xx